WA works with its clients and their outside counsel throughout the full spectrum of litigation to research facts, analyze data, and utilize its financial and technical skills to prepare counsel and expert witnesses for deposition and trial.
WA principals have served clients by providing the initial analytical support to prepare a complaint or a response to a complaint.
WA principals have assisted counsel in both written and oral discovery, and have added significant value in connection with complex financial and federal and state tax issues.
In this phase, WA works directly with counsel to prepare the evidential matter (often in the form of spreadsheets and complex financial models) to both support and value our clients' position. Preparation and support of expert witnesses for deposition is a key area of focus. WA principals have also been deposed numerous times, resulting in opposing counsel agreeing to settlements that favor our clients.
WA principals are available to act as expert witnesses and have testified in a number of litigations.